Tavistock Place heritage statement
A heritage risk appraisal was carried out by MOLA at Tavistock Place in the London Borough of Camden.
This assessment apprised the client of the risks of developing on this site. This allowed them to develop their plans appropriately.
The assessment identified a high risk in terms of above ground heritage. The principle assets were six Grade II listed buildings lying adjacent to the site, and the presence of early 20th-century building within the site boundaries; noted as having a positive contribution to the Bloomsbury Conservation Area. Buried archaeology was judged to be a medium level risk, due to a potential early 19th-century chapel containing burial vaults for a 1000 burials.
We advised the client that the local authority would likely require a Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment and an evaluation prior to granting planning permission. It also highlighted that ahead of development a targeted excavation or a watching brief would be required and a burial licence obtained, prior to removing burials.