We have developed processes and an integrated approach to ensure the highest standards in our publications. We focus on strong research aims within regional and national research frameworks and strategies. We set out the research aims before fieldwork begins, revise and revisit throughout the post-excavation stages

Our Monograph and Studies Series have a common structure:

  • Introduction
  • chronological narrative describing the site sequence interwoven with the specialists’ evidence
  • thematic chapters
  • conclusions
  • appendices with supporting data for the specialist reader
  • supplementary online resources.

Key to our integrated approach is a high level of collaboration between the project team and our in-house publications team, supplemented by experts based in academic institutions. We have high levels of IT expertise in our developing relational database and geographic information system (GIS). Our graphics and photography teams produce high-quality illustrations and products that convey information with maximum clarity. The success of our integrated approach and the quality of our books can be seen in the many positive reviews written by our peers in archaeological journals and news items.

As well as our many books, we also submit numerous articles to local, regional, and national peer-reviewed journals. These papers are hugely important to us and our clients. They deliver the results of archaeological work to the target audience, as required by both clients and curators.

Online resources

Our online resources can be found in our digital repository. We are increasingly making selected titles freely available online, including the books on our excavations at Bloomberg which are available on our digital repository and the series of books on the Crossrail excavations are all available from Crossrail Archaeology Series.


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