To celebrate the launch of our new Archaeology Traineeship, which provides ten Londoners with an opportunity to train for a career in field archaeology, we’ve asked some of our archaeologists to tell us what they love about their jobs.

Project Officer Sadie Watson, pictured, is one of MOLA's most experienced archaeologists. During her time with MOLA she has been responsible for some of our most major sites, including recently leading excavations at Bloomberg London. Here she tells us what she loves about being an archaeologist.

I love archaeology because it is a career that combines physical work with detailed academic analysis, because women work alongside men on an equal footing, because every day is different and because it is constantly intellectually stimulating. Throughout my career colleagues have consistently been generous with their time and knowledge, and are always open to debate and discussion – archaeology is a communicative profession! There are rarely ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ interpretations, and every contribution is valid, making archaeology truly democratic and inclusive. During the Bloomberg London excavations we held regular meetings and communicated progress to the team, to try and ensure everybody had an opportunity to shape the project.

Keep an eye on our blog pages this week or follow #IArchaeology on Facebook and Twitter to hear more personal stories from our field archaeologists.

Community project Excavation From the experts