Eastern Green Week 3: Walls!
The excavations at Eastern Green, south of the A45, Coventry, were carried out by L – P : Archaeology (now part of MOLA) on behalf of Orion Heritage and Hallam Land Management. You can read more about the site and the progress of the excavations through these weekly update blogs
We're back on site after the festive period! Before Christmas, we started opening up the main excavation area and had some interesting finds, including lovely Roman slate roof tiles. We have now recovered some more CBM (ceramic building material), including this piece of different Roman roofing tile, called imbrex. The rounded imbrex overlapped flat tiles called tegula to create a waterproof roof, which was very common during the Roman period.

Excitingly, we have now started to find the rubble foundations of some walls! The stone walls themselves, as well as some of the foundations, have gone. Once the building fell out of use, it would have been an easy supply of stone to be repurposed. Although the walls have been robbed out, as we carefully excavate the foundations and 'ghost' trenches where they once stood, we will be able to get an idea of the footprint of the building - watch this space!